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EPA still very murky on WOTUS clarity

EPA still very murky on WOTUS clarity

This has been going on for more than a decade already. The back and forth between the Waters of The United States (WOTUS) from the Obama Administration, the Navigable Waters Act of the Trump Administration, and now the New WOTUS from President Biden’s EPA. Definitions over what is considered “navigable”, and where the jurisdiction of the Federal Government ends, and the states and counties begin. It’s a political problem that seems to have no end in sight. What is complicating the situation...

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SW Iowa crops still looking great heading into harvest

SW Iowa crops still looking great heading into harvest

There’s not much time left until harvest season will be upon us in Iowa, and the crops in the southwest part of the state are still looking great. SW Iowa Beck’s Agronomist Nate Meyer said he’s expecting a bumper crop for both corn and soybeans this year. Meyer said...

Financial benefits of climate-smart commodities

Financial benefits of climate-smart commodities

Approximately 13,000 American farms participate in the climate-smart commodity initiative, which covers about eight million acres of land. Ag Secretary Tom talked about the appeal of the initiative and said he expects those participation numbers to continue growing....

A drop in soybean condition ratings

A drop in soybean condition ratings

USDA is reporting a drop in condition ratings for soybeans and a possible frost in parts of the Upper Midwest. That is USDA meteorologist Brad Rippey. There was no change to the corn condition rating this week with the number remaining at 65% good to excellent....

Koch completes $3.6 billion purchase of Iowa Fertilizer Co.

Koch completes $3.6 billion purchase of Iowa Fertilizer Co.

Koch Ag & Energy Solutions successfully purchased OCI Global’s fertilizer plant in Wever, Iowa, for $3.6 billion. After announcing the pending sale last year, the finished transaction gives Koch access to a state-of-the-art facility and its related businesses. The...

Keeping new dairy calves healthy from respiratory diseases

Keeping new dairy calves healthy from respiratory diseases

While we have talked at length about what H5N1 or bird flu looks like for dairy herds, we have to remember that this isn’t the only health concern we face. There are still the old standards we have to guard against, and at this time of year, we see more calves moving...

Congress returning with work to do for agriculture

Congress returning with work to do for agriculture

Congress has a lot on its plate with few work weeks remaining this year, including keeping the government fully funded. Ryan Yates, managing director of government affairs with the American Farm Bureau, talks about a couple of the big projects Congress needs to deal...


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La Nina likely to return this fall

La Nina likely to return this fall

The weather has been on the drier side in some parts of the state recently, as regions like western Iowa have seen the return of abnormally dry conditions on the drought monitor. However, this isn’t as big of a problem right now, as the crops are very close to full...