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Landus teams up with Wessels Oil Company to create Landus Energy

Landus teams up with Wessels Oil Company to create Landus Energy

Towards the end of this year’s Farm Progress Show, Landus announced a collaborative venture with Wessels Oil Company- Landus Energy. This partnership will use the strengths of both organizations to enhance the ability to deliver energy products to consumers. Bruce Vernon, Landus executive vice president of new business ventures, said this partnership helps fill a gap in the services Landus offers. It would’ve been a hefty undertaking for Landus to tackle the energy side of things solo, so they...

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Ag chemical price transparency report helps farmers find savings

Ag chemical price transparency report helps farmers find savings

Farmers Business Network is celebrating its tenth year in 2024 and as a network of farmers it is always striving to help farmers work together. One of the ways in which FBN helps farmers each year is with its ag chemical price transparency report that allows farmers...

Rural America can be tough for allergy sufferers

Rural America can be tough for allergy sufferers

Approximately 81 million Americans are diagnosed with seasonal allergies or hay fever, which affects 26 percent of adults and 19 percent of children. In many rural areas across America, there are three waves of pollen allergy triggers throughout the growing season....

Liver flukes becoming a bigger problem in cattle

Liver flukes becoming a bigger problem in cattle

Previously an issue only cattle producers in the wet regions of the Gulf and Pacific Coasts had to deal with, liver flukes have become a worsening problem for beef herds across the country. Dr. Jody Wade, professional services veterinarian with Boehringer Ingelheim,...

Farm land values up five percent

Farm land values up five percent

USDA says the value of all farm real estate increased five percent compared to last year. The average price is $4,170 per acre, and that includes buildings and other facilities. Cropland values increased to $5,570 per acre from last year. That’s a jump of $350 per...

National FFA membership reaches a significant milestone

National FFA membership reaches a significant milestone

The National FFA Organization has reached a record-breaking milestone of more than one million members. The current membership number is 1,027,273, up 8.6 percent from last year. National FFA, a nationally recognized school-based student leadership development...

NPB bringing back a familiar face to increase pork demand

NPB bringing back a familiar face to increase pork demand

Patrick Fleming returned for his second tenure with the National Pork Board, where he now serves as the vice president of demand development. Fleming shared his goals for the first 90 days in his new role. He discusses the potential of pork in relation to consumer...


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