With the Farm Bill up for renewal, Congress is hearing from stakeholders all around the country. It is the largest piece of farm and food legislation, and all corners are weighing in. It isn?t just farmers and farm organizations, but also state governments that are making sure that their programs get funding and their farmers are taken care of with common sense programs.
Iowa Ag Secretary Mike Naig talked with IARN on Thursday about what he is hoping to see in the new Farm Bill. He says that with every title affecting Iowa, IDALS has concerns to voice. However, Naig says it starts with a strong safety net.
The Farm Bill is a unique piece of legislation because there are lawmakers who are voting on farm policy, without having a single acre of farmland in their districts. There are also a lot of new faces since the last Farm Bill. Naig says it is important to ensure that farmers? concerns are heard and understood. The food titles of the legislation affect us all, but the agriculture titles affect the lives of a small minority.
Animal health and vaccine banks are also hot topics in agriculture. Naig says that with the resurgence of avian influenza over the past 12 months and the constant worry about African Swine Fever, the need is very real.
Naig also talks about the importance of keeping these nutrition titles in the Farm Bill. Keeping food production together from farm to table is important for every Iowan who eats. He is also optimistic that, unlike the past two versions of this legislation, the 2023 Farm Bill will get done on time.