Podcast highlighting veterans? contributions to agriculture

by | Mar 22, 2021 | 5 Ag Stories, News

Veterans make the choice to serve our country in good times and in bad. A large portion of those veterans come from rural parts of the country. When their enlistments are done, they face a tough decision. Many of them wonder what kind of a contribution they can make after the military. Some of those farm kids come back home and take over the family operation. One Texas Marine veteran is working to showcase the work veterans can do in the Ag sector. Many times, it is beyond just going back to the farm. Some veterans have the training and real-world experience to take them even further in a career.

VIDEO: Interview with Michael DeSa of Vets in Ag.

Michael DeSa is a Marine Veteran and head of AGD Consulting. He also has a background in Ag Engineering. His extensive time and travels in the military gave him the inspiration to start his consulting company. He talks about the epiphany he had on how he could help veterans transition into agriculture and careers in the industry. He started the podcast Vets in Ag to highlight the many options which are out there for veterans returning to the workforce.

DeSa has been joined by veterans of the Army, Marines, Navy, and Air Force and many more people to talk about how veterans can be involved. He also wants it to be a place for Ag companies to learn about how veterans can help their businesses grow.

DeSa says in his own experience, he wanted to reinvest in his farming operation through tangible investments. He also wanted to show his boys the benefits of having a life of service. DeSa says that farmers are providing an equally important service to the country and that veterans can use agriculture as an opportunity to serve again.

DeSa says that his goal is to help veterans find a sense of purpose when they wrap up their military careers. He says that the traditional private sector sometimes poses more challenges than it helps. DeSa says agriculture provides that sense of purpose once again.