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U.S. Export Sales Report (9-19-24)

U.S. Export Sales Report (9-19-24)

We are still early in the new marketing year, and we’ve started off with some nice export sales numbers. Allendale commodity broker Greg McBride said the corn sales came in as expected. McBride said the numbers were even better for soybeans. While sales are still behind, McBride said now is not the time for them to pick up quite yet. The team at Allendale can be reached by calling 800-262-7538, or you can visit

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U.S. pork industry fueling jobs and economic growth

U.S. pork industry fueling jobs and economic growth

The U.S. Pork Industry has a significant impact on America’s agricultural and overall economy. The National Pork Producers Council released a new economic contribution report detailing the impact. Holly Cook, an economist for the NPPC, talked about the main takeaways....

Secretary Naig announces new Choose Iowa food purchasing pilot program

Secretary Naig announces new Choose Iowa food purchasing pilot program

Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig today announced the launch of the Choose Iowa Food Purchasing Program – Food Bank Pilot. The pilot program, which was authorized during the 2024 legislative session and is an initiative of the state’s Choose Iowa Program, aims...

Return of wet conditions means the return of mosquitoes

Return of wet conditions means the return of mosquitoes

There were a few things that became a new normal while we dealt with the drought of the past couple of years. A lot of it was unpleasant. Dry ground, brown grass, and fire hazards were just a few we can name. However, if you were going to look for a silver lining in...

South American Weather and Crop Update (7-30-24)

South American Weather and Crop Update (7-30-24)

For the last few months, the weather has been mostly static in South America, and that trend isn’t getting bucked any time soon. Allendale commodity broker Greg McBride said Brazil is still seeing dry weather in its major growing areas. McBride said it’s the same...

Corn and soybeans benefitting from recent weather conditions

Corn and soybeans benefitting from recent weather conditions

In many of the nation’s key corn and soybean growing regions, the last couple of weeks have been slightly dry but not too hot. USDA meteorologist Brad Rippey says that the recent lack of extreme heat has been beneficial for row crops during a critical portion of the...

HPAI continues to impact dairy and poultry industries

HPAI continues to impact dairy and poultry industries

The current outbreak of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza, which traces all the way back to 2022, is unusual in not only the fact that it’s infecting dairy cattle, but also that cases are continuing to be diagnosed in the warmer summer months. Bernt Nelson, an...


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U.S. Export Sales Report (8-9-24)

U.S. Export Sales Report (8-9-24)

Export sales were good again this week, but it’s still too little, too late for old crop numbers. Allendale commodity  broker Greg McBride gave an update on the latest report from the USDA. On the new crop side of things, McBride said they would like to see higher...