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Commodity naming rights agreement keeps trade going in Chile

Commodity naming rights agreement keeps trade going in Chile

The U.S. recently signed an agreement with Chile to continue uninterrupted trade after a dispute arose over naming rights for products like cheese. Doug McKalip, chief agricultural negotiator for the U.S. Trade Representative, said this agreement is good news for U.S. farmers. The European Union is trying to get access to product names like parmesan for cheese and prevent other countries like the U.S. from being able to sell that product in various world markets. McKalip said the addendum to...

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Grassley speaks on possible Stabenow farm aid add to CR

Grassley speaks on possible Stabenow farm aid add to CR

There are rumblings on Capitol Hill that Senate Ag Chairwoman Debbie Stabenow is considering attaching temporary relief for farmers, in place of a new farm bill, to a must-pass stop-gap spending bill. Farm broadcasters asked United States Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA)...

Trade policy shifts impact on U.S. agriculture

Trade policy shifts impact on U.S. agriculture

Agricultural economists from North Dakota State University have examined the proposed trade policies of the two presidential candidates and one proposal being floated in Congress. The NDSU experts laid out the potential losses to soybean, corn, wheat, and beef exports...

John Deere’s See and Spray hits milestone

John Deere’s See and Spray hits milestone

It was only a few years ago when we got to see John Deere’s See and Spray Technology on display at the facility near Bondurant. The technology has changed the game in how farmers can attack weeds and cuts down on the input costs for the products needed to protect our...

South American Weather and Crop Update (9-17-24)

South American Weather and Crop Update (9-17-24)

Much like what we are seeing here in Iowa, the weather in South America is still quite dry. Allendale commodity broker Greg McBride gave an update on the current forecasts for Brazil and Argentina. While it is early to be getting too worried about the weather’s impact...

Budget battle limiting legislative work for farmers

Budget battle limiting legislative work for farmers

With elections looming, the Congressional calendar is tight. Right now, Congress is locked in a funding battle. Emily Buckman, director of government affairs for the American Farm Bureau Federation, says the deadline is quickly approaching. Buckman says a continuing...

Navigating tough weather conditions with a more stable form of nitrogen

Navigating tough weather conditions with a more stable form of nitrogen

One of the biggest memories of the 2024 growing season in Iowa will be the extremely wet start to the season. With plentiful rainfall that quickly replenished Iowa’s soil, eventually some areas in the state became oversaturated with water. When there is too much rain...


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U.S. Export Sales Report (9-19-24)

U.S. Export Sales Report (9-19-24)

We are still early in the new marketing year, and we’ve started off with some nice export sales numbers. Allendale commodity broker Greg McBride said the corn sales came in as expected. McBride said the numbers were even better for soybeans. While sales are still...