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Landus teams up with Wessels Oil Company to create Landus Energy

Landus teams up with Wessels Oil Company to create Landus Energy

Towards the end of this year’s Farm Progress Show, Landus announced a collaborative venture with Wessels Oil Company- Landus Energy. This partnership will use the strengths of both organizations to enhance the ability to deliver energy products to consumers. Bruce Vernon, Landus executive vice president of new business ventures, said this partnership helps fill a gap in the services Landus offers. It would’ve been a hefty undertaking for Landus to tackle the energy side of things solo, so they...

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Helping young people entering the beef industry

Helping young people entering the beef industry

The 2024 Cattle Industry Summer Business Meeting was held in San Diego, California. Colin Woodall, CEO of the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, observed several new attendees this year. NCBA can take steps to assist younger individuals in entering the industry....

Lawmakers won’t compromise despite outcry for new farm bill

Lawmakers won’t compromise despite outcry for new farm bill

The huge outcry for a new farm bill from hundreds of Ag stakeholder groups last month seems to have prompted little movement from either side in Congress. That’s not a surprise to United States Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA). Over 500 Ag-related groups led by the...

Ag Bio act will keep U.S. Biobased production at home

Ag Bio act will keep U.S. Biobased production at home

The Plant-Based Products Council and its supporters in Congress are hopeful that legislation aimed at expanding the agricultural bioeconomy will significantly impact the upcoming Farm Bill. The proposed Ag BIO Act seeks to increase the manufacturing of plant-based...

Small businesses seeing excellent growth across the country

Small businesses seeing excellent growth across the country

Small businesses are the backbone of agriculture and local rural economies, as they create jobs and keep money local while adapting to the needs of consumers. Over the past several years, there’s been an even greater shift towards supporting small businesses over...

Ag chemical price transparency report helps farmers find savings

Ag chemical price transparency report helps farmers find savings

Farmers Business Network is celebrating its tenth year in 2024 and as a network of farmers it is always striving to help farmers work together. One of the ways in which FBN helps farmers each year is with its ag chemical price transparency report that allows farmers...


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Farm Bill a hot topic at Iowa State Fair

Farm Bill a hot topic at Iowa State Fair

There are a lot of things that we are hearing about at the Iowa Agribusiness Radio Network Shed at the Iowa State Fair. Commodity prices are probably the hottest topic, but a close second is the lack of certainty that farmers are facing as we head into harvest. That...

Fueling up fairgoers at the Iowa Pork tent

Fueling up fairgoers at the Iowa Pork tent

The Iowa Pork tent at the Iowa State Fair is a long-time tradition that feeds thousands of fairgoers each year. The Iowa Pork tent at the Iowa State Fair provides fairgoers with a lot of options for nutritious fuel to power their day says Ben Nuelle with the Iowa Pork...

U.S. Export Sales Report (8-15-24)

U.S. Export Sales Report (8-15-24)

The marketplace’s focus within the U.S. Export Sales report has shifted as we approach the end of the marketing year. Allendale commodity broker Greg McBride gave an update on the latest numbers. McBride said the bean exports are already sentenced to a disappointing...