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World Pork Expo holds first Youth Issues Contest

World Pork Expo holds first Youth Issues Contest

At this year’s World Pork Expo, the National Pork Producers Council launched their inaugural Young Pork Advocates Issues Meet. This competitive speaking event is aimed at young people aged 17-22 to help explore issues facing the pork industry. We talked with three of the competitors in this year’s event. Bella Stouffer talked a bit about herself and her background in the pork industry. Being from Washington state, she hopes to bring her own perspective into the industry and take fresh ideas...

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USDA report shows export values falling, import values rising

USDA report shows export values falling, import values rising

The United States Department of Agriculture recently released its new forecast for agricultural trade for the year 2024. USDA Chief Economist Seth Meyer says the forecast for exports shows a downward trend compared to last year. The report calls for import numbers to...

USB challenges young innovators to create soy-based textiles

USB challenges young innovators to create soy-based textiles

The Soy Checkoff recently engaged students across the country to create the next great innovation in soy-based textiles through the NEXTILE Design Challenge. United Soybean Board Director Carla Schultz was a judge during the challenge and said the future of the...

Renewable diesel production surpasses biodiesel

Renewable diesel production surpasses biodiesel

The Renewable Fuel Standard mandates that a specific volume of certain biofuels be used each year in transportation fuel. One category of biofuels in the mandate is biomass-based diesel. For many years, biodiesel filled that part of the mandate. Biodiesel production...

Bayer applies for EPA label on low volatility dicamba

Bayer applies for EPA label on low volatility dicamba

The dicamba battle has been raging for years. Court case after court case has been heard to determine the product's status. Farmers have come to depend on the product as a tool they can use on stubborn weeds. In February a federal court ordered a halt to the use of...

American agriculture is an “export powerhouse”

American agriculture is an “export powerhouse”

While the debate continues in Washington D.C. over whether the Biden administration should be doing more to create new trade opportunities, one fact remains. It’s no secret in U.S. agriculture how valuable trade is to multiple sectors. Daniel Whitley, administrator of...


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Canadian wild hogs near American border

Canadian wild hogs near American border

Feral hogs are not just a problem in our Southern states. We have been monitoring an increasing problem with feral hogs in Canada as well. These pose a threat to our northern states as well. Canada has been using a monitoring their feral pigs with a tag and track...