Reigning Iowa State Fair Queen preparing to hand off her crown

by | Aug 3, 2023 | 5 Ag Stories, News

Mary Ann Fox, the 2022 Iowa State Fair Queen, has been representing the Iowa agriculture industry well over the past year. Now, she’s preparing to hand off her royal duties to a new Iowa State Fair Queen in a little over a week. Fox reminisced on her favorite part of serving as the queen.

“When it comes to my favorite part, I’ve always loved my county fair and just the atmosphere that happens at the county fair,” Fox said. “So, getting to experience over 70 other county fairs and getting to see their community come together to support their county fair and all the 4-H and FFA members coming together- that’s my favorite thing. Honestly just nothing else. Just seeing all of that.”

It’s been a busy year for Fox, as she not only served as queen but also as an Iowa FFA state officer. Fox said the feeling has been unmatched in her life.

“[It’s] a feeling like no other, just because I absolutely love the State Fair,” Fox said. “It’s meant so much to me, and it really just shows the world kind of what Iowa is all about. So, being able to represent that and walk around the state fair in a different way and see and experience the fair in just that slightly different way is amazing.”

Check out the Iowa State Fair Queen competition next Saturday at the Bill Riley Stage to see who Fox will hand the crown off to next.