Mexico’s new President brings hope of improved ag trade

by | Jun 11, 2024 | 5 Ag Stories, News

Mexico has just elected a new President. Claudia Sheinbaum is the President-Elect, and already there is a new hope that we will be able to improve some of the Ag trade relations we have with our southern neighbor.

Mexico has been the focus of the corn industry in recent years as President Obrador said that he would ban shipments of any GMO corn from entering the country. This puts the United States in a tough position and also makes it tough for Mexico to find a steady enough supply of non-GMO corn to use. Negotiations with the country had been ongoing, and President Obrador showed a willingness to keep talking about the way forward with his decree.

However, a new President means all of that could go right out the window.

Ted McKinney is the CEO of the National Association of State Departments of Agriculture. He says with Sheinbaum’s background as a research engineer, he is hopeful that we may see a change in stance from Mexico on GMO corn, but he says there are varied ways this could go.

Ag industry concerns do not begin and end with the GMO corn situation. As we work with our neighbors to keep harmful animal diseases, such as ASF, from our shores; having Mexico on board with more research funding could help make the battle easier to wage.

McKinney also says that it is vitally important for Mexico and the United States to maintain their long history of trade. Mexico is our largest customer for a lot of products. With a formal USMCA review on the horizon, strong trade is going to be paramount to keeping the agreement going.

Mexico will spend an estimated $28.7 billion this year alone on U.S. ag products. Sheinbaum will become Mexico’s next president beginning October 1st.