Iowa drought monitor doesn’t have much drought to track

by | Jun 7, 2024 | 5 Ag Stories, News

We’re always hoping for drought-busting rains, but we don’t always get them. Fortunately, our prayers were finally answered this year. Iowa State Climatologist Dr. Justin Glisan said the U.S. drought monitor for Iowa doesn’t have much drought on it anymore.

Now that we’ve gotten our rain- and plenty of severe weather- Glisan said the upcoming forecast is much quieter.

Glisan said we will be seeing a short burst of heat soon, but it is not forecasted to last very long.

Additionally, there have been reports of dust storms in Northeast Iowa recently, but Glisan said that is mostly due to the right conditions lining up perfectly, and it is not an indicator of drought returning already.

For more information or to submit a ground conditions report, visit