It is no secret that every year brings us different challenges. This year, most of Iowa is hurting for rain. So much so that the markets are paying special attention to our forecasts. However, another one of our old nemesis is showing its face through many cornfields in northern and western Iowa. That is the corn rootworm.
Ron Beyer is on the crop team at Golden Harvest. He says while rootworm is an annual invader of many cornfields, he feels this year could be a little worse.
Beyer compares what he is seeing for the two main species in this part of the state: the western corn rootworm and the northern corn rootworm.
Beyer said the biggest support for the rootworm population is producers’ lack of planning. Only using one tool from your toolbox is not going to cut it.
Beyer says that farmers need to take these lessons into next year. He said he expects Northern Corn Rootworm to be a problem in 2021.
The bottom line is that producers need to be prepared for 2021. Take what you learned from 2020. Do not just rely on traited corn for protection. Use more than one mode of action in your attack. Also, consider making some crop rotations in your corn on corn acres.
You can learn more about Golden Harvest and their products on their website.