The USDA is providing additional time for livestock and poultry producers to apply for the Pandemic Livestock Indemnity Program (PLIP).
Producers who suffered losses during the pandemic due to insufficient access to processing may now apply for assistance for those losses and the cost of depopulation and disposal of the animals through October 12th rather than the original deadline of September 17th. Farm Service Agency Administrator Zach Ducheneaux explains some of the eligibility requirements.
?They must have an adjusted gross income of $900,000 or less in tax years 2016, 17 and 18,? said Ducheneaux. ?Farmers must have had to depopulate their animals because of a lack of processing capacity due to the COVID pandemic. Unfortunately, packers, live poultry dealers and contract growers are not eligible for PLIP. Eligible livestock must have been depopulated between March 1, 2020, and December 26, 2020 because of that insufficient processing access.?
The Pandemic Livestock Indemnity Program is part of USDA?s Pandemic Assistance for Producers initiative. Eligible livestock and poultry include swine, chickens and turkeys.
FSA says two other deadlines are coming up next month for programs within the Pandemic Assistance for Producers initiative: October 12th for CFAP 2 and October 15th for the Pandemic Assistance for Timber Harvesters and Haulers.
To learn more about USDA?s commitment to deliver financial assistance to farmers, ranchers and agricultural producers and businesses who have been impacted by COVID-19 market disruptions, visit