You have God in the Amount You Desire

by | Nov 22, 2016 | Whitney's Witness

Tuesday November 22, 2016

?How can I help you? Tell me, what do you have in your house?? ?Your servant has nothing there at all,? she said, ?except a small jar of olive oil.? -2 Kings 4:2

homemade-peppermint-infused-oilRecently, I came across this story in the Bible located in 2 Kings, chapter 4. It can easily be read over. I think I’ve read over it a few times, and just moved on. However, the other day it hit me in an intense way.

In this story, a woman with two sons loses her husband. She is talking to the prophet Elisha when she shares that they have no money and a creditor is coming. She shares her concern and that they don’t have anything to live on. Elisha, asks her what she has in her house. The woman tells that she doesn’t have anything, but a small jar of oil. He then urges her to go ask her neighbors for empty jars. He specifically clarifies to not just ask for one or two empty jars. He is telling the widow here that she needs to get as many empty jars as she possibly can. Elisha then tells her to inside, shut the door, and pour her oil into all the jars, until each is filled.

The woman takes off, and does as she is told. She collects all kinds of empty jars, and starts pouring her little bit of oil she had into them. Her oil ends up filling all of the jars she collected. She then sells the oil, and uses it to pay for the things she needs to survive.

Now, this woman’s faith is completely outstanding. Let this picture sink in. She goes from door to door asking her neighbors for their empty jars. She really doesn’t understand why she would need this many, and how ever she could get them filled, but she does because she is told too.

I love this story because it shows an amazing woman, and an even more amazing God. She did what she was commanded and she did it with great faith. You have God in the measure in which you desire Him. When we step out in complete faith, God gives us immeasurably more than we even asked for.

Friend, today God wants to fill to completion what is empty in your life. He is waiting on you to step out and trust Him.

Prayer: “God, thank you for the example of this woman’s faith. I pray that I will be a woman with great faith. Thank you for giving me immeasurably more than what I can fathom. In your name I pray, Amen.

-Whitney Flach