Which farming operations should be using biologicals?

by | Jan 4, 2024 | 5 Ag Stories, News

Science and technology continues to allow agriculture to make the leaps and bounds necessary to feed an expanding world population. One area of agribusiness that has grown exponentially is the biological space which has added potential benefits for growers with an ever-expanding lineup of products.

Biologicals are a form of crop nutrition or crop protection that are derived from natural materials. They are attractive to growers because of their potential as a cost-effective product that is not produced synthetically. Matt Sowder, director of field solutions for Mosaic Biosciences says that a company can have a wide range of biologicals available but without the proper trials and testing data to back them up, farmers can be skeptical about the efficacy of the product.

Should farmers be applying biologicals with an end goal in mind or as a remedy to a problem already affecting their fields? Sowder says that return on investment remains a priority.

He says a biological must fit the profile of the operation it is being applied to in order to see maximum effectiveness.

For more information visit https://www.cropnutrition.com/biosciences/