Thursday April 6, 2017
I have recently become addicted to the show Once Upon a Time on Netflix.
It is all the Disney fairytales combined into one story and it has me completely hooked.
Although I really enjoy this show, I have noticed a common theme. It is filled with revenge, and when someone tries to get their vengeance in never ends well.
Literally, all the problems are because someone hasn’t let something or someone go from the past that hurt them.
Fortunately, this is just a TV show. Unfortunately, this happens daily in real life.
We let ourselves harbor bitterness or a situation, or a person.
When that happens, it steals our joy, and it makes us into ugly people, who do ugly things.
Further difficulties and problems in our life can be taken care of when we decide to let the someone, or something go.
Instead of letting whatever it is fester into hate, bitterness, and need for revenge. Today, let it go, and let God.
Prayer: “God, help me to be a person who doesn’t harbor bitterness in my heart towards someone or a situation. I want to be a person that lets go and lets you deal with it. In your name I pray, Amen.”
-Whitney Flach