Tuesday March 14, 2017
?I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.? -Philippians 3:14
Spiritual progress is like a fingerprint, everyone’s is different.
What’s right for me may not be right for someone else.
We all are struggling with different things, we all have different baggage, heartache, and joys. We are in different places, different seasons of life.
I have been a Christian almost my whole life. You may have just given your life to Christ a couple years ago. We’re all on a spiritual journey.
That spiritual journey seems like a staircase.
Every moment of every day we are making a choice if we are going up the steps towards Christ, or taking a step down from Him.
The cool thing about our relationship with Jesus is that He doesn’t care whether you’re on the top of the staircase or the first step. He just loves that you’re on the journey.
But because He loves you, He doesn’t want you to stay on the same step. He wants you closer and nearer than you were the day before.
This spiritual staircase never ends. No matter where you are with God, there will always be room to move to the next step.
What we must constantly decide, is if we are ready to do the next right thing.
Have you been lingering on the same step for years? Have you been in a constant decline down the steps? Are you ready to make a step up towards Christ today?
Prayer: “God, I am ready to take the next right step with you. Help me to know what that is, and to obey. In your name I pray, Amen.”
-Whitney Flach