Friday November 4, 2016
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You have anointed my head with oil; My cup overflows. -Psalm 23:5
You’ve heard people ask, ?Are you a glass half full person, or a glass half empty person?? If someone asked me this question…. and I had to answer it honestly, I would probably hang my head with embarrassment. I am better at picking out something wrong and complaining about it, rather than something good and celebrating it.
The other day, I was looking at a drinking glass and thinking about this perspective. My husband shared with company the other day that I was a pessimist. My mouth dropped out of shock. The more I thought about it, the more he was right though.
What about if it’s not at all about the glass being half full, or half empty? What about if it’s who is filling the glass? If I allowed God to be filling my glass, it wouldn’t be full or empty, it would be running over. It would be spilling all over the place.
If God was filling my glass, my problem wouldn’t look so big in comparison to who God is. If God was filling my glass, I wouldn’t be focused on my circumstance, but instead I would have fixed eyes on Christ. If God was filling my glass, I would no longer look at my overwhelming situation, but instead look at my overcoming Savior.
God has provided everything we need today. Most of the time, our focus is not on what we have, but what we think we lack. We focus so much on the glass that we don’t pay any attention to what is filling it.
If we stop focusing on the glass and how full/empty it is, and focus on the only one who fills it, things in life will seem to take on a whole new perspective. A God perspective!
Friend, who is filling your glass? You? The world? Or the only one who can fill it?
Prayer: “Lord, thank you for helping me see a whole new perspective. Thank you for being the one who fills me. Allow me to see situations only in light of who you are. In your name I pray, Amen!”
-Whitney Flach