Monday February 20, 2017
For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel’s will save it. -Mark 8:35
Each morning I have to attend a funeral. My own. I have to wake up and once again die to myself.
I have to die to my desires, my dreams, my wants, and people’s approval.
To die to self means, to set aside what you want in that moment and focus instead on loving God with everything you have.
This might sound awful, but it’s actually far from it. In dying to self, we find genuine life by depending on God, who provides much more than we can imagine.
Lately, I’m really working on dying to my selfishness, and if I’m being honest…I’m not very good at it yet.
There are a lot of things that I want to be happening in my life that aren’t. However, when I wake up, I need to approach the throne and lay myself down before him in surrender.
Daily, I have to attend my own funeral. I have to let God know that I want to see His will come to pass before mine ever does.
Did you die to yourself today? I suggest you start doing so!
Prayer: “God, help me to better lay down myself for you. I want your will to reign above mine. In your name I pray, Amen.”
-Whitney Flach