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IDALS will celebrate Horticulture Week next week

IDALS will celebrate Horticulture Week next week

As the first day of summer rolls around, farmers markets and Iowa-grown farms are in full swing as Iowans travel about and enjoy the bounty of our land. While they often do not get the attention that corn and soybeans enjoy, Iowa’s horticulture industry is vital to this state’s economy. Whether it is flowers, Christmas trees, fruit and vegetables, or so much more; Iowa is showing why we are proud to have a diverse ag industry. Iowa Ag Secretary Mike Naig talks about the horticulture industry...

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Raising pork sustainably leads to long-term success

Raising pork sustainably leads to long-term success

Sustainability in agriculture is a big focus for much of the industry in 2024. Sustainability in animal agriculture is a holistic approach to raising livestock in which farmers do more with less and in the process can increase profitability by using fewer resources....

HPAI detected in a Sioux County dairy

HPAI detected in a Sioux County dairy

The Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) have detected a case of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) in a herd of dairy cattle in Sioux...

Iowa drought monitor doesn’t have much drought to track

Iowa drought monitor doesn’t have much drought to track

We’re always hoping for drought-busting rains, but we don’t always get them. Fortunately, our prayers were finally answered this year. Iowa State Climatologist Dr. Justin Glisan said the U.S. drought monitor for Iowa doesn’t have much drought on it anymore. Now that...

AFBF encourages support of AM Radio for Every Vehicle Act

AFBF encourages support of AM Radio for Every Vehicle Act

American vehicle manufacturers announced plans to remove AM radio from new electric vehicles. The AM Radio for Every Vehicle Act in Congress would prevent that from happening. Emily Buckman, director of government affairs for the American Farm Bureau Federation, talks...

NPPC identifies animal health tools needed in Farm Bill

NPPC identifies animal health tools needed in Farm Bill

Yesterday, we started a conversation with the National Pork Producer Council (NPPC) Director of Animal Health, Dr. Anna Forseth. We got an update on the situation with African Swine Fever and other hog health topics. We started to talk about getting support and tools...

NPPC says House version of the farm bill meets producer needs

NPPC says House version of the farm bill meets producer needs

The lines have been drawn in Washington D.C. with Republicans asking for more “farm in the farm bill” and Democrats unwilling to budge on shifting funding to farm from food and conservation programs. In late May the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on...


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Iowans encouraged to visit farmers markets

Iowans encouraged to visit farmers markets

As summer kicks off, Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig is encouraging Iowa families to visit and support the more than 200 farmers markets located across the state. Farmers markets and farm stands provide consumers with easy access to local fruits, vegetables,...