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Building trust in the dairy industry through the checkoff

Building trust in the dairy industry through the checkoff

The dairy industry has faced some scrutiny as of late, especially as it pertains to the safety of products and H5N1, formerly known as “bird flu” and “High-Pathogenic Avian Influenza”. The United States Department of Agriculture and the Food and Drug Administration have stood firm in assuring the public that our dairy is safe. It is also important to remember dairy has a story well beyond the recent headlines and concerns. That is where the story of promotion comes in. Each year, checkoff...

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New breakthrough in the battle against corn tar spot

New breakthrough in the battle against corn tar spot

This week Bayer Crop Science announced a new breakthrough in the battle against tar spot. Bayer researchers have developed a method to artificially inoculate tar spot in Bayer field test plots. This will give Bayer Crop Science a leg up in better understanding tar...

May WASDE still conservative with changes to crops

May WASDE still conservative with changes to crops

While the markets reacted positively, the May WASDE report wasn’t exactly bullish. In the case of corn, Allendale commodity broker Greg McBride said the numbers just weren't bearish. McBride said things were more obviously bearish on the soybean side of the report....

Ernst critical of Biden Administration’s ag trade message

Ernst critical of Biden Administration’s ag trade message

Many of you who have children or are kids at heart have probably seen the original Lego Movie®. It was a neat little story about overcoming adversity and learning the value of teamwork. The movie produced a well-known song that entered the pop culture lexicon for a...

Beef industry leaders travel to Korea and Japan

Beef industry leaders travel to Korea and Japan

The U.S. Meat Export Federation, along with U.S. beef industry leaders, is on a global trip to see how U.S. beef is performing abroad. The trip included stops in Korea and Japan- two countries that have become great destinations for specialty cuts, among other...


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Finding profits in tight profit margins

Finding profits in tight profit margins

Profit margins are always tight for farmers, with some years feeling tighter than others. However, there’s almost always a way to look through those margins and find the best profit levels possible. Chad Hart, Iowa State University professor of economics and ISU...