U.S. Export Sales Report (9-19-24)

U.S. Export Sales Report (9-19-24)

We are still early in the new marketing year, and we’ve started off with some nice export sales numbers. Allendale commodity broker Greg McBride said the corn sales came in as expected. McBride said the numbers were even better for soybeans. While sales are still behind, McBride said now is not the time for them to pick up quite yet. The team at Allendale can be reached by calling 800-262-7538, or you can visit allendale-inc.com.

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Grassley discusses consequences of no new five-year farm bill

Grassley discusses consequences of no new five-year farm bill

As frustrations continue to mount over partisan farm bill gridlock in Washington D.C., ag advocates and groups are voicing their concerns. If there is no agreement on a new five-year farm bill this year, another one-year extension of the 2018 farm bill will again take...

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South American Weather and Crop Update (7-23-24)

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