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ISA Experience Class showcases the entire soybean ecosystem

ISA Experience Class showcases the entire soybean ecosystem

The 2024 Iowa Soybean Association Experience Class will take place July 22nd-24th. The class will meet for three days and will travel across the state of Iowa to tour and learn about the soybean industry. Participants will develop insights on soybean research, new uses for soybeans, transportation, communications, policy and more. ISA District 4 Director Marty Danzer was a part of the Experience Class last year and says it is an eye-opening event. As a participant in the Experience Class...

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NPPC President-Elect looking forward to stepping into new role

NPPC President-Elect looking forward to stepping into new role

The National Pork Producers Council (NPPC) represents the pork industry year-round on many important issues for producers. The NPPC has a strong executive team full of experience that allows them to tackle these issues posed by the producers they represent. Duane...

Clean Label Solution wins 2024 Soy Innovation Challenge

Clean Label Solution wins 2024 Soy Innovation Challenge

Clean Label Solution is the grand prize winner of this year’s Soy Innovation Challenge. They won the challenge with their fermentation process that uses soybeans to make high-value feed for beef and dairy cattle. Dr. Mohammad Arshadi, founder and CEO of Clean Label,...

Ethanol industry’s EV fight heading to the courts

Ethanol industry’s EV fight heading to the courts

The second lawsuit in as many weeks has been filed against the Environmental Protection Agency’s final tailpipe emissions rule. This effort is being led by the ethanol industry as it enters a separate challenge following another lawsuit that was submitted by the...

Farmers holding large corn and soybean stocks

Farmers holding large corn and soybean stocks

After stockpiling crops for much of this season due to low commodity prices, many U.S. farmers continue to turn away buyers despite few signs that prices will improve. Farm Policy News says grain supplies are ample, and early ratings of summer crops are good. While...

Upgraded tiling systems have been saviors this spring

Upgraded tiling systems have been saviors this spring

Nobody would have believed after the past few years in the Western Corn Belt that we would want a break in the rain. Iowa certainly has had its share, even though some spots are drying out again. My family in Minnesota has been screaming at Mother Nature to turn the...

“Ring of fire” weather will keep Iowa hot and humid

“Ring of fire” weather will keep Iowa hot and humid

Seems like this week’s hot temperatures were just a taste of what’s in store for next week. Iowa State Climatologist Dr. Justin Glisan said next week is supposed to have high temperatures and plenty of rainfall due to a “ring of fire” weather configuration. Glisan...


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U.S. cattle herd contraction continues

U.S. cattle herd contraction continues

The June USDA Cattle on Feed report was published on Friday June 21st and is considered somewhat bearish when compared to the industry’s pre-report estimates. The June USDA Cattle on Feed report did not feature any big surprises, but the placements number was up...