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Thompson proceeding with House farm bill markup

Thompson proceeding with House farm bill markup

The markup for House Ag Committee Chair GT Thompson’s farm bill will move ahead on Thursday despite scores from the Congressional Budget Office that raise questions. The CBO says the scores provided don’t amount to offsets that would allow the bill to be budget-neutral. That term means it wouldn’t cost more than the current spending level. The Fence Post says Thompson believes the committee should still go through the process even though the bill isn’t fully offset. One of Thompson’s aides...

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Taxpayer groups speak out against Farm Bill subsidy costs

Taxpayer groups speak out against Farm Bill subsidy costs

As the House and Senate Ag Committees have released their versions of the Farm Bill, we are seeing reactions from all over the place. Mostly we focus on the programs that are included in the titles from an Ag perspective. We talk about the Commodity Credit...

Connecting with consumers to put more pork on the plate

Connecting with consumers to put more pork on the plate

Among younger generations in the United States, fresh pork consumption is on the decline. What does that mean for the pork industry and how can the industry adapt to make pork the protein of choice for younger consumers? That is Bill Even, CEO of the National Pork...

Despite tighter margins, there are still opportunities for profits

Despite tighter margins, there are still opportunities for profits

The Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago recently released its May agricultural market newsletter, and it included data on agricultural conditions in Iowa. Nationwide Senior Economist Ben Ayers said the report highlighted some persisting struggles that Iowa farmers are...

Grassley comments on House version of farm bill

Grassley comments on House version of farm bill

Last week House Ag Committee Chair GT Thompson released the House version of the farm bill for discussion ahead of the markup session on May 23rd. United States Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) says that he is still working through the text of the bill but is pleased...

South American Weather and Crop Update (5-21-24)

South American Weather and Crop Update (5-21-24)

Completely opposite to what we’re experiencing right now, there’s some dryness across much of Brazil right now. This is starting to raise some concerns for the safrinha crop. Allendale commodity broker Greg McBride gave an update on the latest weather patterns. The...


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