Friday January 20, 2017
?Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” -Isaiah 43:18-19
We’ve closed the web browser, but still the same issue remains. We’re growing agitated and annoyed.
We’ve all been in the situation where our computers are not functioning properly. So, the only choice we have is to restart the computer.
Once the computer is restarted, it goes back and functions just the way it was designed to. Everything is fixed, and back to normal.
Sometimes, we ourselves need to start again. Sometimes things in life aren’t working. We’ve grown agitated and annoyed, because we are not properly doing what we were designed for.
We all reach points in life where we need a clean slate. There are many times in life where sin, guilt, and mistakes have caused so much damage that it feels as if there is no way out.
Luckily, God loves restarts. He loves them because they require us to turn to him. No matter how hard we try, how much we deny, or how far we?ve gone, we can?t get restarts without God.
Sometimes we just need to take a step back and reset what we want, who we are, and what we’re trying to accomplish.
Maybe you need a restart in marriage, a new beginning in parenting, or a do-over in friendships. God will always give restarts in the areas we need them.
Go ahead, and hit that restart button!
Prayer: “God, thank you for loving restarts and being willing to offer them freely. Help me to take advantage of being able to start again. In your name I pray, Amen.
-Whitney Flach