Renewable propane is a groundbreaking area of bio-based fuels

by | May 9, 2024 | 5 Ag Stories, News

We have spent a lot of time talking about the renewable fuels marketplace. Whether it is E15, Sustainable Aviation Fuel, or even bio-diesel, we can find solutions to our energy and environmental needs in many ways. As we focus on many of these ag-based products, the Propane Education and Research Council (PERC) folks tell us that renewable propane can be a part of this solution.

Mike Newland is the Director of Ag Business Development for the PERC and talks about the opportunities to use and generate renewable propane.

Camelina can be grown in parts of the Pacific Northwest and other areas where drought has been a concern.

The crop isn’t a huge component of the food production debate and can grow in less than hospitable climates, therefore it can fit the needs we have to generate more fueling opportunities without hurting the rest of the agriculture market.

The thing that is causing the most headwinds is that this is a new crop and people are often skeptical about things that haven’t been proven over a long time. Newland says they are looking for producers with ground that may not be suitable for much, else to give camelina a try.

Newland says that renewable propane will offer the same results we expect from propane in our heaters, grain dryers, weed burners, and grills. However, it comes with even lower carbon emissions than conventional propane.

Learn more at the PERC website.