The economy is making everybody rethink their budgets. It also means that trade is being affected around the globe. The Biden Administration hasn?t put the same focus on trade that the Trump administration did, and you can read into that anything you like.
Political differences aside, there is no denying that after a great export year in 2021, 2022 is lagging a little bit behind. However, as we talk to folks at the World Pork Expo in Des Moines, we are finding the that overall outlook is still very positive. There is work to do, but much work has been done. These folks know that there ebbs and flows to the economy, and they still see a chance for strength in the pork export market.
Scott Hays is the President-Elect of the National Pork Producers Council (NPPC). He talks about the overall situation in the global marketplace for American Pork
While trade is down to places like China, we learned early on that it is not wise to put all your eggs into one basket in regard to the global markets. Hays talks about how we have been able to diversify our exports.
You can learn more about what is being done to promote and market our products on the NPPC & Pork Checkoff websites.