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One Health approach protects humans, pigs, and the environment

One Health approach protects humans, pigs, and the environment

The One Health approach is vital in meeting the growing market demand for pork. As consumers become more conscientious about the food they consume, there is a heightened focus on food safety, animal welfare and environmental sustainability. Dr. Heather Fowler, National Pork Board Director of Producer and Public Health, explains the One Health approach. Fowler says pork producers are working the One Health way every day. Fowler encourages producers to keep animal health, and worker health, top...

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The future for Sustainable Aviation Fuel is still murky

The future for Sustainable Aviation Fuel is still murky

The future of Sustainable Aviation Fuel tax treatment is still murky with questions still to be answered despite months of regulatory efforts and calls to include the treatment of SAF crops in the House farm bill. As biofuel producers and feedstock growers await...

Secretary Naig provides H5N1/HPAI update

Secretary Naig provides H5N1/HPAI update

Iowa has joined this spring’s list of states that have been affected by High Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) and H5N1. It’s the same virus but has gone under a new moniker as the virus mutated to affect dairy cattle and humans. Iowa has had a few cases spring up so...

World Pork Expo holds first Youth Issues Contest

World Pork Expo holds first Youth Issues Contest

At this year’s World Pork Expo, the National Pork Producers Council launched their inaugural Young Pork Advocates Issues Meet. This competitive speaking event is aimed at young people aged 17-22 to help explore issues facing the pork industry. We talked with three of...

Grassley discusses farm bill framework from Senate Ag Republicans

Grassley discusses farm bill framework from Senate Ag Republicans

This week Senator John Boozman (R-AR), the ranking member of the Senate Ag Committee, unveiled the Senate Republican-drafted framework of the farm bill. Republicans have been stating for months that there should be more “farm in the farm bill.” Senate Ag committee...

Uneventful June WASDE provides little market support

Uneventful June WASDE provides little market support

We weren’t expecting much from this month’s WASDE report, and those expectations turned out to be correct. Allendale commodity broker Greg McBride said this was a very neutral report. However, McBride said that this neutral report does not change the issues we’ll face...


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HPAI detected in a Sioux County dairy

HPAI detected in a Sioux County dairy

The Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) have detected a case of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) in a herd of dairy cattle in Sioux...

Secretary Naig provides H5N1/HPAI update

Secretary Naig provides H5N1/HPAI update

Iowa has joined this spring’s list of states that have been affected by High Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) and H5N1. It’s the same virus but has gone under a new moniker as the virus mutated to affect dairy cattle and humans. Iowa has had a few cases spring up so...