NPPC identifies animal health tools needed in Farm Bill

by | Jun 7, 2024 | 5 Ag Stories, News

Yesterday, we started a conversation with the National Pork Producer Council (NPPC) Director of Animal Health, Dr. Anna Forseth. We got an update on the situation with African Swine Fever and other hog health topics. We started to talk about getting support and tools in the Farm Bill to help protect the “whole barnyard”, as it were.

Today we will talk more about the work being done to secure some of these needed tools.

Dr. Forseth continues talking about NPPC’s tool requests in the latest farm bill.

Dr. Forseth says that they have spent much time with lawmakers who don’t represent farm regions. They have made the case as to why these funds are needed, and she feels that the lawmakers have a good grasp on why it’s important not to make cuts in animal health arenas.

Learn more about what NPPC is doing on Animal Health and Farm Bill initiatives on their website.