National Pork Board working to expand export opportunities

by | Feb 17, 2023 | 5 Ag Stories, News

The National Pork Board is always looking for ways to expand export opportunities for U.S. Pork.

One of the ways in which the NPB learns about international trade markets is by taking trips to those countries to try and find ways to differentiate U.S. Pork from competitors and add value and find opportunity into other markets.

Seaboard Foods Senior Vice President of Sales & Marketing Chad Groves is an NPB board member who is going on an upcoming NPB trip to Singapore and Thailand. He shares the goals for the trip.

Groves says that on trips like this to Singapore and Thailand that are designed to promote U.S. pork, it is vital to have U.S. hog producers along for the visit.

Groves says that of the five members of the trip, three are hog producers. He says that with a new or growing overseas market, you need to provide popular cuts that the local population is familiar with. After you provide that need, you can start to try and expand options for consumers to purchase.

The NPB also works with restaurateurs and retailers to help inform how different cuts of pork can be incorporated into dishes familiar to the region.

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