Latin American buyers tour meat industry in Nebraska

by | Sep 2, 2024 | 5 Ag Stories, News

The U.S. Meat Export Federation (USMEF), with support from the National Corn Growers Association and the South Dakota Soybean Checkoff, brought importers from Mexico and Central and South America to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln for a global meat processing seminar to learn about the attributes of U.S. pork and beef. They also examined meat and livestock production trends; new techniques for processing, packaging, and merchandising; and safeguards for ensuring product safety. USMEF Secretary/Treasurer Dave Bruntz took pride in welcoming the group to his home state.

The seminar included hands-on product development projects conducted in the university’s meat lab, which was a highlight for Valery Ways, an importer from Barranquilla, Colombia.

Following the seminar, the delegation visited retail outlets and toured processing facilities, including the Certified Piedmontese plant in Lincoln and the Wholestone Prestage pork plant near Fremont, Nebraska. Chilean importer Jose Manuel Jarpa was already a Wholestone Prestage customer, but the plant tour solidified his confidence in their products.

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