Landus announces unprecedented healthcare for farmers

by | Aug 29, 2024 | 5 Ag Stories, News

The Farm Progress Show is all about innovation, and there aren’t many companies that prioritize innovation as much as Landus does. We’ve talked with them many times about innovation in agriculture, whether it’s from their Innovation Connector itself or from the new facilities they open, like the one just outside of the grounds of the Farm Progress Show. Matt Carstens, CEO of Landus, said they also sponsored a VIP tent this year, where VIP attendees could stop by to enjoy some air conditioning, food, and great ag conversation.

On the first day of the Farm Progress Show, Landus and Conduit announced the launch of an unprecedented healthcare program- powered by Momentum Ag- that is designed to meet the needs of farmers and businesses that support farming communities. Carstens said this is a problem that has been highlighted to Landus for some time now, and while others have failed at offering rural healthcare like this in the past, he is excited to get farmers taken care of.

Carstens said he is particularly excited about the TytoCare kit, which will provide farmers with convenient and efficient at-home access to health providers and diagnoses regardless of how far they are from provider locations.

Carstens added that they wanted to make sure there was an option out there without an agenda- this program is by farmers and for farmers.

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