Iowa chefs encouraged to pair turkey & soy in new competition

by | Jul 18, 2023 | 5 Ag Stories, News

Iowans have always been proud to produce our ag products to feed the world. We are also proud to have those products showcased in a way to help educate our consumers about the quality of the products we produce. That is why the Soyfoods Council and the Iowa Turkey Federation have teamed up for ?The Perfect Pairing: Turkey and Soy Recipe Contest.”

Chefs and commercial food service operations will have until August 31st to submit their recipes in one of three categories. Linda Funk is the Executive Director of the Soyfoods Council, and she talks about the contest and its three categories.

Funk and Iowa Turkey Federation Executive Director Gretta Irwin discuss what the criteria are for the contest.

Of course, you can?t have a competition without prizes and some bragging rights. Linda Funk of the Soyfoods Council tells us that the awards for the winners aren?t just Turkey feed.

For more contest information, visit The Soyfoods Council website at and the Iowa Turkey Federation at