It is hard to believe that today is already Veteran?s Day, and we are only two weeks away from Thanksgiving, and the start of the holiday season. What makes it harder to believe is because there are still a few combines and tractors rolling in Iowa.
The 2021 harvest has been complicated for a few because of rains that have fallen this far. These rains may be welcome to help recharge the soil, but they are slowing things down just a little bit. These slowdowns are nothing like we are seeing in parts of the Eastern Corn Belt where pictures of combines buried in mudholes are becoming an all too common sight on our social media feeds.
Iowa, for the most part, is done and that is welcomed news. Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship Secretary Mike Naig says that his area of the state was fortunate enough to have completed the harvest in a timely fashion and they have everything pretty well wrapped up.
Naig said that while the growing season was tough, Mother Nature seemed to come through for us, just in the nick of time, all year.
Naig says that seeing the D2 drought rating completely gone from the state for the first time since mid-2020 is another great relief for farmers in Iowa.
Naig says that Iowa farmers can feel blessed that there is still a high demand for the crops they grew this year and that they are getting a good price for them. He says this year is a testament to the innovation we are seeing in agriculture. Being able to produce crops to feed the world, even when conditions aren?t ideal.
Secretary Naig will be my guest in the week?s edition of Weekend ag Matters. We will talk about harvest and a few of the programs that are running right now through the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship.