God Uses Whatever is in Your Hands

by | Nov 25, 2016 | Whitney's Witness

Friday November 25, 2016

?What is that in your hand?? A staff, he replied. The Lord said, ?Throw it on the ground? -Exodus 4:2-3


How often does the things that you touch become used to reach lost people?

In Exodus 4, God commands Moses to throw his staff down. When Moses obeys, it become a snake.

God uses the staff that happened to be in Moses hand at the moment to ultimately prove to the unbelievers that the Lord, the God of their fathers?the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob?has appeared to Moses.

If you read all of Exodus, or just look deeper into chapter 4, you see that Moses continually sought out excuses not to be the hands and feet of God. He never thought what he had would suffice in comparison to the all sufficient God. When in reality, God only wanted what Moses could offer. At that moment, Moses only could offer a staff, that happened to be in his possession.

Sometimes I find myself thinking that what I have to give, isn’t enough. I find myself just assuming that I don’t have anything to offer lost people. I make an excuse how I don’t have the resources, the time, the experience, or the money.

In reality, God just wants whatever is in my hand in that moment. What I have to offer, is good enough. God takes a staff and makes it greater than imaginable to draw people to himself.

Moses had to almost roll his eyes at the Lord, when he commanded him to throw his staff down. I would have been tempted to. I probably would have said something along the lines of, “God, what in the world does this staff have to with what we are talking about!?” That’s probably why Moses freed a nation, and I haven’t. He was willing to use whatever it took, and whatever he had, to reach the people God had placed on his heart.

Friend, when God is involved, whatever is in your hand is enough to do the job.

Prayer: “God, thank you for using whatever is in my hands to glorify you. Teach me to notice the times you place something into my possession that I should use to reach unbelievers, even if it seems to be silly. In your name I pray, Amen.

-Whitney Flach