Monday January 16, 2017
“In My Father’s house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you.” -John 14:2
Harold and I are currently renting a home. It has been a great place. It’s been such a wonderful place to start our little family.
However, as time goes on I dream of our home that will be ours only. I dream of owning a home. A place where we can grow old in, and where our kids will grow up in.
As this desire has welled up in my heart a little extra this week, I am reminded that God is my only true home.
I think it is beneficial to remind our restless hearts that none of this is our true home.
This week I think I have been very home sick for heaven.
I hope that I am always home sick. I hope that I always remember to remind my heart where it belongs, where it can relax, be free, and where it can truly rest.
Whether Harold and I ever get our own house or not, it will never truly be our home.
This is not our forever home….Heaven is.
Prayer: “God, thank you for reminding my restless heart where home truly is. This place is not my home. Thank you that you have prepared a forever home for my soul. In your name I pray, Amen.”
-Whitney Flach