Every soybean grower needs an SCN management plan

by | Aug 4, 2023 | 5 Ag Stories, News

The Soybean cyst nematode or SCN is a top enemy of every soybean grower. The pathogen is the most destructive soybean pest in the country and it often hides in plain sight. The nematode can be present in a soybean field but the grower might not realize the destructive damage taking place because the above ground symptoms are not obvious. Yield loss from SCN might not be apparent until it’s too late.

Effective control of SCN in soybean fields is achieved with the correct management strategy. Troy Bauer, a soybean expert with BASF says that yield loss from unchecked SCN can be severe.

In a heavily infested field with a poor management strategy in place, SCN can cause up to 30% yield loss.

Throughout the United States, wherever soybeans are grown SCN is generally present. Bauer says that a soybean cyst nematode management plan is vital to growers in the state of Iowa.

According to Bauer, SCN management strategies are always evolving to stay ahead of the pest which is adapting as well.

One of the best ways to deal with SCN is through crop rotation. Bauer says that Iowa’s farmers are well equipped to manage SCN by switching to corn.

A seed treatment which targets SCN is the last piece of the puzzle according to Bauer. He says that the treatment can help protect the soybean plant from emergence to harvest.

For more information visit https://agriculture.basf.us/crop-protection/products/seed-treatment/ilevo.html