Monday December 5, 2016
“I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint.” -Jeremiah 31:25
My phone has begun powering off at all times of the day.
After spending (I kid you not) 2 hours on the phone with Apple Tech Support, all they could tell me was that it was a battery issue. The only way of fixing my phone would be buying a new battery for $75 or purchasing a whole new phone.
The worker asked me in the phone conversation if I was using an Apple iPhone charger. I said “no,” and he made almost a wincing sound over the phone. He then explained the battery was most likely shot because of the charger I had been using.
I got a whole phone lesson on chargers. I learned that Apple chargers are created for apple phones, for a reason. I thought I could save money by purchasing a cheap charger from Wal Mart. However, I was proven wrong when He explained that the chargers that you get at Wal Mart or dollar general do not properly regulate the voltages they send into the phone to charge it. Apple is regulated and perfect for my phone, the others are not. Long story short…..all my cheap chargers I have had were ruining my phone and battery.
I think as Christians we often reach for cheap chargers. We look for other things to fill us, to recharge, and energize us. We think we are actually doing a good thing, when in reality it’s destroying us. Sometimes it almost seems easier and more convenient to reach for things that aren’t Christ.
Today, refuse to settle for cheap chargers that leave you unfilled, uncharged, and unsatisfied.
Just like Apple is the only thing that can truly charge my iPhone, Christ is the only thing that can truly charge your life.
Prayer: “God, thank you for being the only true thing that can energize me, and refill me. Help me to realize that all other plug-ins are not worth turning to. Be the source of my joy and life today. In your name I pray, Amen.
-Whitney Flach