KANSAS CITY – A seed salesman might visit the farm just twice a year; once to take an order, and another to drop off the seed just ahead of spring planting. But Channel Seedsmen fill a role somewhat closer to a field agronomist. That includes walking fields with customers, and getting a better sense of an individual operation than other seed salesmen might.
That’s according to Channel Grain Manager Kacy Perry, who says farmers are onboard.
“It’s completely customized by farmers,” she explains. “Some farmers want a seedsman on their farm a lot during the growing season, walking field constantly. Others, maybe want a more independent approach, but that’s where it’s the Seedsmen taking the time to get to know their customer, what level of service they would like, and trying to add value to their operation above and beyond just selling them a bag of seed.”
Perry adds that while Channel is a relatively new brand under the Monsanto Company’s umbrella, having only formed in 2010, Channel is also already the third-largest corn seed brand.
You can click here to learn more about Channel Seedsmen, or visit channel.com.