The newest technology and brightest paint is rolled out for corn, soybean, wheat and grain sorghum growers at Commodity Classic. Some of the concepts take an amount of explaining.What if you could apply bacteria, producing nitrogen that won?t leach? Impossible? Maybe...
Special Coverage
US Soybean Export Council looking optimistic for the future
Optimism. It is a feeling we don?t always get in agriculture nowadays. Trade climates aren?t the greatest, commodity prices are low, and input costs keep rising. However, the U.S. Soybean Export Council (USSEC) is choosing to remain optimistic.Audio: Full Interview...
BASF launches new Revysol fungicide
In a market where farmers are looking for every edge they can get, they must look at sound technology. In an era of tight margins, you need to make every input dollar count. BASF launched their new line of fungicides at Commodity Classic in Orlando called...
Beware: Udder contamination
As winter fades, cattle yards become messy and muddy. Winter's last-minute wreckage may not threaten an animal's outward appearance. However, it poses serious threat to inward functions.An animal health organization offers tips on how to protect cattle from bad...
NCBA’s response to cell cultured meat companies
I am at Commodity Classic, the annual gathering of corn, soybean, wheat and grain sorghum producers, through the rest of the week. The annual event is being held in Orlando, Florida, so that is another encouragement for Midwestern farmers to find a way to get here in...
Reduce feed, improve efficiency with Rumensin
The cold, winter months not only take a toll on us, but livestock as well.An animal health experts offers tips on how to help your herd through winter.His tips neither require loads of money nor sacrificing desirable attributes.Elanco unveiled Rumensin? over 40 years...
Who dislikes winter more, humans or lice?
In some ways, humans are similar to lice. We both despise winter weather and retreat to the warmest person, place or thing during the cold, winter months. Lice naturally seek fur, hair and hide for temporary comfort and warmth, while humans seek a warm, fuzzy blanket...
Spring forward to calving
It?s hard to believe spring will soon be upon us. We often associate spring with creation and growth. Flowers blossom, robins return and calving commences. A technical services veterinarian offers a few tips to obtain the most out of spring calves.Midwesterners will...
What type of mineral should you be feeding cattle?
Ridley Block Operations, a branch of Alltech, is encouraging cattle producers to replace inorganic trace minerals with organic trace minerals. Mark Robbins serves as director of research and nutrition services for Ridley Block Operations. Robbins says Ridley Block...
American Hereford postured for growth in 2019
Farming/ranching comes with its fair share of ups and downs.The American Hereford Association members weathered some lows in 2018, but overall, came out on top. An American Hereford Association representative reflects on this past year and looks forward to what is yet...