Syngenta Commits to Growing Seed BusinessWith many seed brands likely to change names or ownership in the next few years, one company is making a major commitment to growing their seed business. Syngenta recently made a $400 million investment in their seed division....
HAT News Feed
USDA Announces 2018 Farm Safety Net Enrollment
Enrollment for farm bill safety net programs is open as of Wednesday, November 1. The Department of Agriculture announced the enrollment period this week for farmers and ranchers with base acres in the Agriculture Risk Coverage, known as ARC, or Price Loss Coverage,...
Farm Profitability Still Down, But Improving
A new survey of bankers shows 82 percent of agricultural lenders reported a decline in farm profitability in the last 12 months. However, the pace of the decline has slowed. The survey produced by the American Bankers Association and Farmer Mac shows 51 percent of...
Demand for 15 and 85 Percent Blends Growing in U.S.
Ethanol-fuels-on-the-riseVarious blends of ethanol are fueling more and more cars on America?s roads. There has been growth in the number of E15 pumps and if you own a flex fuel vehicle, almost 4,100 E85 stations across the nation can help you travel nearly the entire...
Corn Going Down With Wet Windy Weather
Corn Going Down With Wet Windy WeatherBrian EarlyWith a good deal of the Indiana corn crop still in the field and the weather turning colder, windier, and wetter, more and more plants are being blown down. According to USDA, 41% of the Hoosier corn crop has yet to be...
AFBF President Duvall Visits Indiana to Talk Issues and Engagement
Zippy-on-farmer-engagementIn agriculture all eyes are on the next farm bill, but it is important that farmers? voices are heard as the bill is being written. The nation?s largest farm organization, American Farm Bureau Federation, is confident that members of the...
Consumers See ?Organic? and ?non-GM? Food Labels as Synonymous
A study by Florida State University shows consumers regularly mix up food labels. Florida State University?s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences says consumers mix up foods labeled ?organic? and ?non-genetically modified? and that some view the two labels as...
Drivers Surpass 2 Billion Miles on E15
Growth Energy says that, in just five months, American drivers have surpassed another billion miles on E15, bringing the total miles driven across the U.S. to two billion. This comes on the heels of Growth Energy?s recent announcement that more than 1,000 stations...
Bower Trading Market Strategy Report: A Better Outlook for Soybeans
Bower Trading Market Strategy Report: A Better Outlook for SoybeansLast week saw the corn market remain in its trading range. Doug Werling, with Bower Trading, says that will likely continue this week as harvest continues to lag behind, ?The corn market is holding its...
Very Good Yields Reported in Columbus, Indiana Area
Good-yields-in-Columbus-areaTiming has been the key to yields in Indiana corn and soybean fields this year, going all the way back to spring planting. Early planted crops that didn?t then get washed out by heavy rains have yielded the best in 2017, and last week HAT...