HAT News Feed

More Harvest Interruptions Looming

More Harvest Interruptions Looming

Rain-chances-could-interrupt-harvestRyan MartinIs more rain on the way to interrupt what?s left of harvest again? In the new Seed Consultants harvest forecast Ryan Martin, Hoosier Ag Today chief meteorologist, says there are three systems that could move through...

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Ag?s NAFTA Concerns Heightened

Ag?s NAFTA Concerns Heightened

Perdue-on-NAFTAPresident Trump?s aggressive trade strategy of threatening to pull out of existing agreements without big concessions to the U.S. is being both defended and criticized in farm circles. The President is again taking a hard line with U.S. trading partners...

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Consumers Win with Ethanol

Consumers have been saving money thanks to ethanol for years, but never as much as today. Nearly every consumer that chooses ethanol at the pump is saving money, whether using regular unleaded with 10% ethanol (E10), mid-grade with 15% ethanol (E15), or any one of the...

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