Little flies can cause big problems

Little flies can cause big problems

Efficient production is the key to the success of any livestock operation. It goes well beyond just the meat and dairy products that we are producing; it also is a huge factor in our herd health. As they say, “One bad apple can spoil the whole bunch.” Or is it...
Japanese Beetles are abundant again

Japanese Beetles are abundant again

One of our old friends is again back in our fields this year. Japanese Beetles are being found in parts of the corn belt, and in abundant numbers. We know it doesn’t take long for the populations to take off. While they are more pest than a problem, that doesn’t mean...
Why our markets are under pressure.

Why our markets are under pressure.

The markets are not having a good moment as we speak. The numbers in the red today are proof of that fact. We have seen numbers that suggest that farmers are holding on to large amounts of old crop that they haven’t sold. Usually, this time of year isn’t the greatest...