Tuesday January 10, 2017
Do not let your adorning be external?the braiding of hair and the putting on of gold jewelry, or the clothing you wear? but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God’s sight is very precious. -1 Peter 3:3-4
Yesterday, after church I invited a couple over.
This was completely last minute. It just so happened, that this particular Sunday I had enough food in the crock-pot.
On my way home from church I began panicking. Thinking about the bed that was unmade, the makeup that was all over the bathroom counter, the dust that was all over the shelves, and the dishes that were sitting in the sink.
I was internally having a meltdown. I hated the idea of people seeing my house anything less than perfect.
Then, as I sneaked off and went and made the bed. God spoke to my spirit and revealed to me how absolutely silly I was being.
Why would I not want people to know that I sleep in my bed? Use my dishes? Get ready in my bathroom? Or frankly, live in my house?
We live in a day and age that photo shops or filters what others see. We put forth a version of yourself that is far from real or authentic. But what good does that actually do? It’s fake. The Whitney that I started to come off being yesterday, was not the Whitney I truly am. I leave my makeup out on the counter every single morning.
God doesn’t care about our outward appearance. He doesn’t care if our house looks to be clean and everyone see’s it. He doesn’t care if you’re putting up the front that your life is perfect and you’re not dealing with some tough situations. Christ wants you to be real, honest, open, and raw.
I want people to know that my bed can get a little messy, my life can be a little messy, but I love Jesus, and I care about being a real and open Whitney.
Be real, be true, be you!
Prayer: “God, help me to be real and authentic to people. I do not want to be a version of myself that is untrue or photo shopped. Allow me to be ok with showing the parts of me that aren’t always in tip top shape. In your name I pray, Amen.
-Whitney Flach