Monday January 23, 2017
We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. -Hebrews 6:19
My whole bathroom is anchor themed. I think that’s for three reasons. I enjoy navy blue, I like anchors, and I love the beach. So, the anchor theme seemed perfect.
I even have Hebrews 6:19 hanging on the wall for me to soak in every morning. But what does this truly mean for us?
An anchor plunges through the depth of the sea until it settles and wedges itself into the ocean floor.
An anchor does its best work where it is never seen. At the time, all you can see is the wind and waves, but under the surface you have your anchor.
Unless anchors are dropped into the sea, they are useless. In the same way, we must take hold of the hope God has provided and use it as our source of stability.
When we focus on our troubles, we are tossed about without a firm foundation. However, when we concentrate on God?s character and promises, we?ll remember that He always works situations out for our good….even when we don?t understand how.
So whether we?re facing an uncertain outcome or a situation we can?t change, knowing God is faithful allows us to stand firm.
Rest in the assurance of your anchor today.
Prayer: “God, thank you for being the anchor for my soul. Thank you for being steady and working even when you are unforeseen. Help me to better recognize you as my anchor. In your name I pray, Amen.”
-Whitney Flach