Despite the challenges facing the agricultural economy, there are still reasons to be optimistic—especially regarding the soybean trade. Recent numbers reveal promising gains, highlighting the resilience and competitiveness of U.S. soybeans on the global market. These wins offer a much-needed boost to farmers and the ag industry.
Jim Sutter, CEO of the U.S. Soybean Export Council, shares encouraging insights into the progress made over the past year. He highlights several key gains from 2024, reflecting the continued strength of U.S. soybean exports.
Egypt is, once again, a growing destination for U.S. soybeans. We are seeing a large growth over this time a year ago.
Sutter is running down a few more areas where we are seeing growth in exports and how soybeans are being consumed.
Sutter runs down how we determine which soy products are a good fit for our trading partners.
The demand for U.S. soybeans remains strong, but maintaining and growing that momentum will require common-sense trade strategies and effective marketing in 2025. By capitalizing on recent successes and fostering strong global partnerships, the ag industry can ensure continued growth. With the right approach, U.S. soybeans will remain a vital player in the international market.