Friday March 24, 2017
You were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies. -1 Corinthians 6:20
Earlier this week I was on an airplane.
Have you flown first class on an airplane before? I have once, and it was mostly because I wasn’t paying for my seats.
This flight, I was paying for my seat so I sat in the regular seating because first class isn’t something that I could afford.
As I took my seat, buckled my seat belt, and looked around the airplane full of people God reminded me that I am in first class.
We are all in first class, and we are sitting in seats that we can’t afford.
This life, your life, my life isn’t something I could pay for.
We were bought with a price, and that price was the death of Jesus.
Jesus swept in and paid for us to have a ticket in first class.
Friend, don’t sit in regular ordinary seating when you can have the best life that has already been paid for.
Prayer: “Jesus, thank you for dying for me. Thank you for paying the price that I know I could never pay. Help me to remember to live a life worthy of yours. In your name I pray, Amen.”
-Whitney Flach