Friday February 3, 2017
?The King will reply, ?Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.? -Matthew 25:40
I think that sometimes as a Christian it is very important to separate myself from the typical American view.
Don’t get me wrong, I love living in the United States, but I think as a Christian sometimes the United States conflicts with the very things Jesus told me to do.
My heart has been broken lately. I have been concerned that Christians have missed what it truly means to be in the likeness of Christ Jesus.
We?ve allowed fear to drain us of our compassion.
We are given opportunities to bring in hurting and suffering individuals and be the hands and feet of Jesus. Instead, we have allowed fear of safety and security, to poison our purpose.
There are lost children, and broken families that are our Savior’s creation. They are crying out for help, but instead they hear the sound of crickets from His people.
Refusing to help people who desperately need us, is exactly what Satan wants us to do.
Why steal your life when He can steal your witness?
Why plot your death when He can plot the death of Christ?s message?
We are supposed to be believers of a way that is above patriotism and comfort . Our lives should be built around holiness and compassion. Being like Jesus is self-sacrifice, and radical love.
Have you radically and selflessly loved Christ’s people lately?
Prayer: “Lord, forgive me for letting fear take front seat of the purpose you are trying to accomplish through me. I want to love the people you love. Help me to be a better servant. In your name I pray, Amen.”
-Whitney Flach