Thursday December 22, 2016
“But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.” -Luke 2:9
There is a lot of women that I look up to. Mary, the mother of Jesus is one of them.
I don’t have kids. As a woman I couldn’t imagine an angel coming to me and letting me know that I was going to birth the son of God. Can you even fathom?
That visit from the angel changed Mary’s life forever.
She had to be confused at the fact that an angel was standing in front of her and telling her that something would happen beyond the powers of nature. However, she asked for an explanation, accepted his words, and stepped up to her life calling.
Whatever God wanted from her, her answer was ?yes.? She put herself at God?s disposal and trusted that God would make it all work out.
Faith is trusting God and acting from that trust. Mary was a woman of great faith.
I have first hand seen the way people treat a woman when she gets pregnant and is unmarried. I can’t imagine what it would have been at that time. People would have looked at her with disgrace, they would have mumbled things under their breath. They would have been disgusted with her.
The loving eyes of Mary looked down at the newborn. She had to be filled with both happiness and sorrow. She knew what he must do. She realized that his birth, also meant his death.
Mary is the woman I want to strive to be. She teaches us that true greatness comes from being at God?s disposal. Mary?s trust in God challenges us to trust God, especially when he works in ways we don?t always understand.
Prayer: God, thank you for choosing a humble, faithful woman to carry out your plan to save humanity. Help me to be a follower that steps out in faith and serves you when things don’t always add up. In your name I pray, Amen.”
-Whitney Flach