Wednesday December 14, 2016
My grace is all you need, for my power is greatest when you are weak.? I am most happy, then, to be proud of my weaknesses, in order to feel the protection of Christ’s power over me. ? 2 Corinthians 12:9
At Christmas time one year I put a gingerbread house together, for a contest. A couple of people were going to be judging the finished project when time was up.
It took quite a bit of effort to put together. You had to put the frosting on just right, make sure the corners stuck together, carefully place the candy. You had to be precise. It had to look perfect….better than the others.
Mine looked decent. There were places that really needed more attention, but they called that time was up. I could have used more time, but it seemed to be good enough to show off.
Right as I put it on the table to be judged in front of everyone, it collapsed into pieces. Everyone laughed, even I did.
Suddenly, it hit me…. we try out best to show the people around us that everything isn’t falling apart. When in reality we are one piece away from things ending up in shambles.
We dress everything up, hopefully well enough that when it comes to people glancing and judging that we will pass their test.
We just want the people around us to see us as a masterpiece instead of a mess getting ready to fall to pieces.
That day I remember looking at my gingerbread house, and still seeing it as a work of art. I had spent time, energy, and resources into that creation. Just because it didn’t look like everyone else’s, or didn’t get 1st place…didn’t make me dislike mine.
In that moment, God reminded me that he deems us beautiful in His eyes. He still makes beauty possible even if we aren’t all put together, and maybe a little broken, and falling apart.
So, whether you feel like a well put together gingerbread house, or one that is falling apart piece by piece. You are loved. You don’t have to dress yourself up to perfection to meet the standards of the people around you.
God loves you, and as far as I’m concerned….He’s the ultimate judge.
Prayer: “God, thank you for teaching me something by simply building a gingerbread house. Thank you for loving me, even when I am imperfect, or feel like I am falling apart. In your name I pray, Amen.”
-Whitney Flach